

This work would not have been possible without the following groups and individuals


The creators of COPLACDigital and Professors Mark Long and Mike Antonuccci from our campus at Keene State College for facilitating our membership in this COPLACDigital course.

Our mentors and professors in this course Alvis Dunn and Leland Turner who guided us through this semester long research project and molded us into experts of Finnish history in Newport, New Hampshire.

The Richards Free Memorial Library where we spent many hours searching through old resources and talking with the locals of Newport, New Hampshire. They also provided most of the photographs on this website, including the header image, unless otherwise cited.

Olli Turpeinen, author of theThe Finns in Newport, New Hampshire which provided us with so much valuable information and insight into the history of the Finns in Newport.

Mary-Lou McGuire, who provided most of the photographs for this website, and whose book, Newport in Time and Place, was essential to the completion of the “Newport Before the Finns” section of the website.

A fellow Finnish historian, Frank Eld, who is also an author and preservationist. Frank was willing and eager to share his knowledge with us amateur historians and validated our work with his enthusiasm looking at our work. Frank also continues to study the history of Finnish immigrants, specifically their log-cabin building and their saunas.

Leah Tams for all of the technical support. Leah was ready to provide support at all times of the day and even into the night sometimes. She has helped us to become extremely comfortable with online website design.

Thank you all so very much!


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