UNCA Class of 2018 (hopefully)

Mile Marker 8

As the project moves along I find myself more and more nervous about these sites being out there for all to see. I am typing out sentences, erasing them, retyping them, and erasing again more than ever before. Although I am confident in our research and the direction we’re taking with the project I can’t seem to get comfortable with the public nature of this work. The timeline is also looming in the back of my mind along with due dates for assignments in other classes and the ever present stress about my future. Being a senior in college is more difficult than expected.

Now that I’ve done my grumbling for the semester an update. Research is going well, on our last visit to the BRP Archives we found the press releases from the mid 1960s on which were rich with information about tourism and (surprisingly?) weather! Kristen struck gold with a box of letters which were all filed complaints from visitors to the Parkway. The letters she shared with me made me chuckle and realize that angry customers are all the same whether on the Parkway or in a restaurant. As we start adding information to the project site it is important to keep up with our citations and add them as we add information instead of leaving them for later. Footnotes are turning out to be much easier than I thought and a bibliography page has been added to the site. Hopefully we can get pictures up in the next couple of days and iron out our theme and the look of the site. The end of the semester is near and other classes are demanding attention so it’s really helpful that we have our due dates already decided on and I can build my priority list off of that for the next couple of weeks.


1 Comment

  1. adunn

    Love to hear that footnotes are being handled easily! Citations matter. Good blogging.

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