
PREVIOUS: About the Project

This site is the product of hard work from many people beyond just us, and we want to sincerely thank those people. First and foremost we would like to thank Heather South for helping us from the very first moments of this project, before we even had a topic. Without Heather who knows where we would have landed. Thank you to the staff and volunteers at the WRA as well for helping us along the way. We would also like to thank Jackie Holt for all the hours she put in with us at the archive. Through her anecdotes she helped breathe life into the project. To the other folks at the Blue Ridge Parkway Headquarters, thank you for having faith in us and being so willing to help in our pursuit. In the field of research there is one scholar who blazed this trail for us; Dr. Anne Whisnant. Without her book and the guidance it provided we would have been lost in the sources. Finally we would like to thank the fearless leaders of this class, Professors Alvis Dunn and Leland Turner, thank you for keeping us on track, realistic, and always hopeful. Leah Tams was also instrumental in guiding us through issues with timelines, WordPress, Google Maps, and anything technical that came our way. 


UP NEXT: Glossary

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