A Changing Landscape

Adair County looked very different prior to the establishment of the first settlements in the 1830s and 1840s. The Keokuck Indians were the only inhabitants of this area of Northeast Missouri at the time, and relations between the Native American group and the settlers were fairly peaceful for the first decade of settlement. However, as […]

Crafting a Project Trajectory

A. Project Description This project will further the explanatory project embarked by Wilcox in 2016 in a team effort of Wilcox, a Sociology student, and Vietor, an Anthropology student, in an online, long-distance learning graduate level research course (SOAN 523). This will use ethnographic methods including interviews in order to gain insight on the immigration […]

Where Have You Been

Weise, Bernd Michael, Dennis D. Cordell, et al. “Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),” Encyclopædia Britannica (June 2017). Accessed September 13, 2017, Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/place/Democratic-Republic-of-the-Congo/Settlement-patterns   As with any research project or curious inquiry, it is important to consider the context before diving in to answer a question or test a theory. For this reason, I decided to […]

Structural Obstacles

Brown, Danielle. “Kirksville R-III Adapts in Order to Better Integrate Congolese Students.” Kirksville Daily Express, 14 December 2015. ? http://www.kirksvilledailyexpress.com/article/20151212/NEWS/151219704 After completing a close read of the above article, I began to think more of not just the interpersonal and individual obstacles presented to immigrants, but of roadblocks (so to speak) on the institutional level. […]

Pieces Coming Together

In our time spent searching for primary and secondary sources to use in our research, I have learned that there are few secondary sources concerning the migration of Congolese people to Kirksville. This, of course, makes sense for the temporal scale within which we are working. This migration has only occurred within the past 5 […]

A Greater Focus

The inception of a research project lies in a question waiting to be answered, a problem waiting to be solved. Often times, the research interests of one person don’t directly align with others’. Fortunate for our research endeavors, Maggie and I had the same idea of what we wanted to study in terms of migration […]