“Campus News.” Go Higher! Discover your community colleges, state universities and UMass campuses. Accessed September 07, 2017. http://www.mass.edu/gohigher/about/whatsnew.asp.

Today marks the start of my Junior year of College.  It is unfortunate that all COPLAC students are on such a variety of school schedules because, while I do not feel like Susannah and I are behind, it does pose a challenge that we have not been able to meet face to face until yesterday when we arrived back on campus.  However, now that we have met it has been much easier to talk and really try to narrow our focus for this project.   We have found a few promising secondary sources and one primary source we feel confident in, but without being in North Adams to visit the local archives it has been a bit of a set back.  As the week goes on and we have had the chance to start every class and at lease in my case get everything unpacked,  we will finally be able to head to the town library and start digging through sources.  It is odd to be almost on the fourth week of one class and still have three I have yet to even start.  It almost feels as if my brain is in two different time zones with one being just a few hours ahead.