Creating the first draft was really fun.  I created most of the design aspect and added the all the pages, which is something I really love doing.  Being able to move things and see how it all comes together is both really rewarding and also a little overwhelming.  Now we have to start editing and figuring out where everything is best placed.  Susannah and I worked together on the overall look of the website and then we split up to actually add the information.  Susannah worked on the Homepage, the Hoosac Tunnel page, and the Historical sketches page.  I created the content for the Maps of the Irish Journey page (which we still need to add a bit more to our timeline, but for now it is really great to have it up), the Irish Potato Famine page, as well as the Irish Arrive, Irish in the Workforce, and the Saint Francis of Assisi Church pages.  Collectively we created the About Us, Contract, Photos, and Bibliography pages.