November Update

I believe the site is coming along swimmingly! Amy and I have decided to diversify our site with more photos and graphics in lieu of using Prezi. This is a current decision that we may be willing to change, but feel pretty confident about. We’ve been looking through new sources to use while discussing the […]


So after a little over a week without my Macbook (and still learning how to even type on a PC that my lovely research partner has loaned me!!) I have been writing more web content for Amy and I to use online. Amy has reconfigured our page a bit to make sure that all our […]


May, Sarah F., Lisa Y. Flores, Stephen Jeanetta, Lindsey Saunders, Corinne Valdivia, Marvyn R. Arévalo Avalos, and Domingo Martínez. “Latina/o Immigrant Integration in the Rural Midwest: Host Community Resident and Immigrant Perspectives.” Journal of Latina/o Psychology3, no. 1 (2014): 23-39. doi:10.1037/lat0000029. Integration: A product of the social, cultural, human, and economic assets possessed by immigrants and […]