My time throughout this online COPLAC course has been so exciting! (You think we’ve used that word enough this semester?!) I have taken many online classes before, but never a class that was this diverse. From working with students from other states in the US to using different mediums like slack, twitter, and WordPress for […]
Web Content.. Coming in HOT!!
Amy and I have been spending a good amount of time writing. A great amount of time, actually. We are working on this project as well as our personal senior seminars, so it seems like we have done little but write lately… BUT its glorious process. We actually just came up with a new process! […]
November Update
I believe the site is coming along swimmingly! Amy and I have decided to diversify our site with more photos and graphics in lieu of using Prezi. This is a current decision that we may be willing to change, but feel pretty confident about. We’ve been looking through new sources to use while discussing the […]
So after a little over a week without my Macbook (and still learning how to even type on a PC that my lovely research partner has loaned me!!) I have been writing more web content for Amy and I to use online. Amy has reconfigured our page a bit to make sure that all our […]
Because of an overwhelming week of health issues, personal commitments, and pure exhaustion, our research has taken a back seat this week. Amy and I did make a plan for our website, organize our ideas, and create a new document for us to draft up web content. I have been looking at the Mexican history […]
Final Contract
Amy and I are exited to publish our Project Contract both on our blogs and on the website! Special thanks for Professors Alvis Dunn and Leland Turner for their support and critiques. Project Contract (1)
May, Sarah F., Lisa Y. Flores, Stephen Jeanetta, Lindsey Saunders, Corinne Valdivia, Marvyn R. Arévalo Avalos, and Domingo Martínez. “Latina/o Immigrant Integration in the Rural Midwest: Host Community Resident and Immigrant Perspectives.” Journal of Latina/o Psychology3, no. 1 (2014): 23-39. doi:10.1037/lat0000029. Integration: A product of the social, cultural, human, and economic assets possessed by immigrants and […]
Rubin and Crystol Luthi
Last Wednesday (9/20) Amy and I got to meet with an Apostolic couple, Rubin and Crystol Luthi to talk about their perspective on our project as well as look through some family records and Apostolic resources. To begin, we sorted through a lot of information on the Luthi, Moser, and Schmidt families. I created a […]
Latino Heartland
Vega, Sujey. Latino Heartland: of Borders and Belonging in the Midwest. (Clashes at the Crossroads, United We are Stronger) New York: New York University University, 2015. Ive been coming up short this week with useful resources on the Latino experience in the Midwest- let alone Stevens County. Then I finally remembered that last year, I literally […]