Our project is coming along steadily, we have created a google my maps and timeline to visually show readers the journey that thousands of Irish settlers took from 1840 through 1900. I created a page on our project site for them entitled Helpful Maps of the Irish Journey which I think looks very visually appealing. The only problem I can foresee people encountering is the fact that when you try to scroll down the page with the mouse hovering over the google my maps, it just zooms in or out and can make the map look really strange. It is an easy and quick fix for people to realize that is what is happening but it can also be a bit startling when it happens, I speak from experience. I am also still working on the name of the page because I am not sure if I want to include Immigrants in it or not yet or just keep it at Irish, I do not want it to sound like we are talking about all Irish citizens but I do not want to refer to them as immigrants too often.
As for sources go we have been finding really great secondary sources but not to many primary sources, which has been kind of frustrating but we are trying really hard to scout them out. Figuring out how to cite work has been a bit confusing but using the citation machine that Amy suggested in Slack has been very helpful.
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